Sunday, April 8, 2012

Re 2 Draft with Reader View

Jean Baynes
Instructor M. Goodsitt
Writing 101
05 April 2012

RE: 2 Draft

How empathic is the nursing profession? Depending on who you ask, I’m sure you will get very different answers. Some may say it’s very empathic, while others may say not at all. During the duration of this paper you will understand the differences and how they affect nurses and patients in the healthcare.

What is empathy? According to Wikipedia the definition of empathy is the capacity to recognize and to some extent share feelings “such as sadness or happiness” that are being experienced by another. Many patients hope to find the nurse that makes them feel like it’s okay to be sick and no matter what they will be there to assist and understand their needs.

First of all, Is empathy a very important part of a nurses every day life with patients?
Showing empathy may be difficult for some, but can also be very easy for other individuals. “How you speak to these patients can be the difference between a scary illness and all-around devastation. I can’t count how many times I have heard a patient comment on how the nurse “made all the difference.” (C. par. )

Can you be taught to be empathic? You can definitely be taught the qualities of showing empathy, but until you encounter a situation you won’t know what is necessary in order to make it through and how you will respond.

According to a nursing student , Nikki C’s, blog on bench prep she has found out that
the ability to impart this knowledge comes from within. It is not a learned skill to be able to EMPATHIZE with your patients. I truly believe that you either have it or you don’t.
Patients can tell when you are faking that compassion, believe me. So now on top of being a care coordinator, (BOSS!) a lawyer, and a nurse, you are a counselor! I know, the job titles are endless…

Caring for the sick requires a true DESIRE to help them. It can’t be that you just need a job, or that you look cute in scrubs. These people are often facing their worst fears. They need and are depending on your ability to not only care for them medically, but to provide for them emotionally. ARE YOU READY?

I have spoken with numerous nurses and even patients and was able to learn that it is very important that the patient and nurse establish a rapport at the beginning of treatment in order for your patient to become comfortable with you as their nurse and you to gain your patient’s trust.

As a patient, Would you be willing to have a nurse who treats you will respect or would you prefer a nurse who doesn't care about you or treatment? Personally, I would chose a nurse that understands your wants and needs and is willing to do whatever possible to make me feel comfortable.

In conclusion, I hope after reading my paper you will be able to see and understand how important being empathic is in the nursing field. Numerous individuals may still think that empathy is not necessary, but according to patients who need your help they would prefer someone who shows compassion and empathy.
E. - The research question is changed into a well worded statement in the first half of the paragraph. You stay unbiased when you state that some say there is empathy and some not at all. I believe that the purpose of your essay, just from reading the first paragraph is about empathy and different types.

F. - I like your lead it is strong and to the point. Maybe some more elaboration on the target group of people you would ask in relation to a particular answer.

G. - I don’t see the work cited page so I am not sure who your sources are or how many but It seems you integrated your sources well within your piece. The information you site does support your research statement. I am sure as you add more information more references will be cited.

H. - I did not notice any quotes from your fieldwork.

I. - I like your lead in when you state what is empathy? Starting the next sentence with “According to Wikipedia” Your lead in on the third paragraph is also done well.

J. - Your overall tone is nice. It is not too harsh that may turn people off. Your facts are directly stated, clear and articulate with some underlying humor. I like the comment about the “looking cute in scrubs” maybe you can add some more of those comments. It gave a personal touch within the writing.

K. - Your conclusion is well written, direct and also to the point. Maybe elaborate more on who the numerous individuals are that empathy is not necessary.

L. - I like your essay, as I read it I was not confused and it flowed through from beginning to end.

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